Story about water supply

Water, the most precious liquid

When I first visited Madagascar in 2015 I didn’t know that Madagascar is among top five poorest countries in the world. It was hard for me to bear, their difficult life conditions and the complete lack of things which are obvious amenities to us, like for example access to water.
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I was stunned by looking at a mother and her children, how they carry container with water on their heads from afar so they have drinks and food to cook. It was here that I realized the big difference between our worlds and our waste of natural resources in developed countries I really wished to help, especially to the children that I fell in love with. Later a path has opened to me, I met Don Vladimír, who I visited again in 2016 in Madagascar. Together we constructed a project to build an elementary school in the central part of Madagascar, region Miarinarivo, in location called Antoby Est. By joint forces, in short amount of time, we were able to make this project happen and a new school called “Anežka” was officially open on 18th of November 2017, with the participation of 15 Slovaks. The school is a foundation though our support for Madagascar isn’t done yet. In this region, similar to the rest of the island, there’s a lack of water and electricity. Children are taught only during the day and have to walk several kilometers. They could use a fresh drinking water and to wash their hands. 

So in 2018 with the help of Slovak people, we were able to dig a well and construct complete pipeline, with toilets and showers for the children of our school.